Small amounts of blood for testing genetic oncological dependencies and the presence of heavy metals in the body, as well as urine samples, can be gathered at home. The needed amount of blood is around 5 to 7 drops of blood and 30ml of urine, which may be easily collected at home using the indicated approach.
A higher volume of blood is collected from the vein to assess somatic mutations in cancer and prenatal studies. The patient can arrange for sample collection with their local doctor, collection centre, or hospital, and then submit the samples (2x10ml) to the AveGene collection centre.
The test kits contain vials with a special solution to maintain the quality of the blood sample within a normal temperature range of 2 to 30°C. Use only AveGene sets for the screening.
Bucharova 1554/12
Oberer Gansbach 1
Dynex building, Lidická 977,
Buštěhrad, 273 43, Czech Republic
Recognize in time!
Obtain a testing kit from the local distributor, collection centre, or directly from AveGene e-shop.
Then, discreetly select required screening test(s) from our e-shop.
Gather a small sample of blood or urine at home, or obtain blood specimens at the nearest medical centre. Utilise the transport accessories included in the kit to dispatch samples to AveGene laboratory.
Receive encrypted screening test report. If you require further advice, arrange an online consultation with our genetic or oncology specialist.
When healthy and sick tissue come into contact with the bloodstream, they discharge cellular and genetic material into the circulation. The materials in question are commonly known as “cell-free” DNA (cfDNA) and circulating tumor cells (CTCs). The DNA derived from tumor cells that circulate in the bloodstream is referred to as circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA). The Liquid Biopsy gene panel encompasses a wide range of high-priority genes that are extensively implicated in the advancement of cancer. Multiple particles are discharged into the bloodstream well in advance of the body exhibiting any symptoms. This time gap may be crucial for cancer treatment and that’s where our main motto comes from - “Recognize it in time”.